A flying start, bursting of quality

During his education and until long after, owner Harm van Nunen has gained experience in interior design and construction. At every employer, Harm realised that the customer approach and delivered quality could be improved. Exactly that is why Harm started his own company in 2011 in Best.

Local, involved, and always with custom design and craftsmanship. Harm’s motto was, is and stays: “say what you do and do what you say!”.

Growing without neglecting craftsmanship

At this point Harm’s one-man business has grown into a true organisation. A team of specialists works on building your dream interior design daily. No neckties, yet a serious approach. No selection menu, but always a colleague on the line. A true showroom with ample materials, all the space for an advisory conversation and a great production hall.
Everything at Van Nunen Interieurbouw & Keukens happens under our own management. The consultation, the guidance of your choices, the measurements and calculations, the production, the construction of the interior and the aftercare.

We understand how important interior design is, what it does, and that it needs to be good. 

Commitment and the best custom work

We keep the lines short and tight. We speak your language. Whether it is about a large commercial project or placing a single cupboard wall in a family home, we take everything just as serious. We think along with you down to the smallest detail, and we can only do that if we know exactly what your wishes are.

Gaining ideas and advice

To give you an idea about the work we do, you can find an impression on the website. For an impression about specific projects, we have made a project page. Of course you are invited cordially to visit us or to contact us for an introduction and a consultation.